Preparation for Storms and Floods
Preparation for Storms and Floods
The rainy season starts around June in Japan (except for Hokkaido). In addition, typhoons tend to approach Japan during the summer to fall seasons, causing a lot of rain in a short period of time. Intermittent rains over several days, or short but sudden heavy rains, cause flooding throughout the country every year. Preparing for water disasters is also essential.
When heavy rain/typhoons approach
Get weather information from TV, radio, PC, smart phone, etc.
Evacuate as early as possible to a safe place, such as relatives/friends’ houses, etc. even if it is far away.
Secure an evacuation place yourself. Make sure you have a place/center to evacuate to as well as a route to get there.
Avoid going outside during heavy rain and wind.
Prepare emergency kits, including water, food, headlights, rain gear, etc.
Be aware of information from Tokushima City regarding evacuation.