Owning a Dog
Registration and rabies vaccinations
If your dog is 91 days old or older, pet registration and rabies vaccination are required. Registered dogs must have a rabies shot every year. Registration and vaccination can be done every spring (Apr. to May) and autumn (Oct.) at several locations throughout the city, which are run by the Tokushima Prefectural Animal Welfare Center and Vets’ Association.
Vaccination Fees
The registration fee is ¥3,000
The fee for vaccinations is ¥3,300.
Notes Concerning Owning a Dog
- Dogs not fitted with a microchip, or those with no registration or vaccination tags on their collars are caught and treated as stray dogs. Be sure to keep your dog on a leash, or it may cause danger.
- Once you get a pet, please be responsible for looking after it for its whole life.
For Inquiries
Environment Policy Div. (Kankyo Seisaku-ka) TEL: 088-621-5206 FAX: 088-621-5210