Pregnancy Notification
After you have confirmed your pregnancy with a doctor or midwife, please submit a pregnancy notification as soon as possible. After you notify us, you will be issued a “Maternal & Child Health Handbook (Boshi Kenko Techo)”.
About the Maternal & Child Health Handbook
The maternal & child health handbook is for recording the health of you and your child such as how your pregnancy goes, and how your baby is delivered, how the baby grows, when & what vaccinations he/she has. This book also contains important health information, so please read through it, and be sure not to lose it.
About Submitting a Pregnancy Notification
Where to apply:
Himawarikko (Tokushima City Children and Families Support Center [Kodomo Katei Center] )
When to apply:
From 8:30am to 5:00pm on Mon. – Fri.
- Note: On the second and fourth Sundays of every month, the Counter for Mothers and Children at the city hall is open from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm to accept applications
Required materials:
- Pregnancy notification form (available at any counter stated above),
- Individual “My Number” Card or Individual Number Notification Card, Driver’s License or Health Insurance Certificate
For those who have submitted their notification, the following will be provided:
- Maternal & child health handbook
- Coupons for regular pregnancy health checkups
- Coupons for postpartum medical checkups
- 1 coupon for newborn hearing test
- 1 coupon for infant health checkup (for 1-month-old babies)
Children and Families Support Center (Kodomo Katei Center) TEL: 088-656-0536 2-16, Okinohama-Higashi (3rd floor, Fureai Kenko-kan)