Nursery School Life/Certified Childcare Centers
Childcare on Saturdays
Saturday days off are taken in rotation by staff at every nursery school and certified childcare centers in Tokushima City in order to shorten their work time. There are therefore fewer childcare staff on Saturdays. If one of the child’s parents or caregivers is home on Saturday, please have them care for your child at home, for the sake of service care availability as well as for increased quality time to spend with your child.
Food allergies
With medical certificates, municipal nursery schools and certified childcare centers can meet the needs of children who have food allergies. After talking about the matter with the child’s parent(s), the food will be eliminated from his/her dish. But please remember that kitchen tools and the cooking process are shared. Private nursery schools have their own policies to deal with food allergies. Please contact them for further information.
For Inquiries
Childcare Division (Kodomo Hoiku-ka) TEL: 088-621-5195 FAX: 088-621-5036